Welcome to the Fiachra Daly Memorial Golf Event page. Thank you for your interest in the event

Supported Charities

                             Our focus for this event is on the young. 


Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland - Although Fiachra did not fall into the demographic of “youth” when he passed away, we feel strongly that the mainstream charities (like Pieta etc) already get alot of support (including from us previously), so would like to focus on a charity less well known, especially with Ireland having the 4th highest youth suicide rate in EU/OECD

The Coombe Neonatal Unit 

Fiachra now has a nephew he has never met, born at 27 weeks (13 weeks) premature, he has been fighting since the day he was born (March, 28th, 2023). Fiachra’s family have been blown away by the level of care he has received in the Coombe Neonatal unit and would like this event to help support this fantastic resource for parents during what is arguable one of the hardest moments of their lives