Welcome to the Fiachra Daly Memorial Golf Event page. Thank you for your interest in the event

Fiachras' story

Fiachra was one of eight children, son of a fisherman and a schoolteacher, born on the beautiful peninsula of Howth. He never wanted a-lot, just the same as most people, working hard to provide a safe roof over the heads of his young family. He worked day and night to get the deposit for their first home, an apartment in the now infamous Priory Hall

Unbeknownst to his family, Fiachra’s mental health suffered greatly due to the discovery of major safety issues in his home, which he was subsequently evacuated from, with no resolution on when he and his family could return, while still responsible for a Celtic Tiger sized mortgage. 

He eventually took his own life on July 15th, 2013 . A letter from the bank demanding arrears on his unlivable property was found with him, dated a few days prior, one of many he had received, despite being told not to pay the mortgage while waiting for the government to sort the problem out. 

His death and the courage of his partner Stephanie Meehan eventually resolved the issue for all other residents of Priory Hall, unfortunately at a cost that was too high for his family, children and friends.  


Media surrounding his life and death. 





